install cracked applications on iosMETHOD 1 : iTunes method aka .ipa method...First you need TO MAKE SURE that you patched your MobileInstallation file on your device. If you didn’t patched it , you WONT BE ABLE to install cracked apps. Check out how to do that here.This is simple and painless. Double click on the .ipa file and sync your device. Thats it. But just in case you want to know more , this is what is happening. By double clicking the .ipa file, you will open the file with iTunes. The file will be automatically copied into iTunes library. Once iTunes is loaded and the files was opened , you just need to press sync, and the instalaltion begins.

    METHOD 2 : SSH method aka direct method.
    This is a little bit more complicated, but you will need to learn how to do this stuff sometime.
    1) Download the cracked game/app and extract the folder to your desktop or what ever your comfortable with. Make sure its easy to find.
    2) Copy into /Applications via SSH and set it’s permissions to 0755 (chmod 0755 ).
    3) Create a folder called Documents in /var/mobile/ and set permissions to 0777. (only needs to be done once).
    4) Reboot your device.
    NOTE : just to make sure = the name of the app or game you just downloaded and you want to install it into your device.
    METHOD 3 : IPAPREP method ( the easiest method, saved the best for the last ) All you need to do is to add the xsellize source in cydia and install this package. It will auto patch MobileInstallation file and backs it up for you, so you can continue being lazy and not learning new stuff.
    Once you done that just use method 1 : iTunes method aka .ipa method.
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